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Transport layer in a sentence

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Sentence count:36Posted:2021-12-02Updated:2021-12-02
Similar words: transport delaytransporttransporterair transporttransportabletransport shiproad transporttape transport
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31. What does the transport layer do ? Give some examples of this layer.
32. The transport layer is responsible for source to - destination ( end - to - end ) delivery of the entire message.
33. For input, the transport layer reads from the external device and fills the buffer.
34. In addition, the transport layer allows IMS devices to make and receive calls to and from the PSTN network or other circuit-switched networks via the PSTN gateway.
35. TCP, on the other hand, provides a reliable transport layer using the unreliable service of IP.
36. Side note: UDP port 2873 uses the Datagram Protocol, a communications protocol for the Internet network layer, transport layer, and session layer.
More similar words: transport delaytransporttransporterair transporttransportabletransport shiproad transporttape transporttransport by seatransportationtransport companymeans of transportationtransport networkactive transportpublic transporttransport systempassive transporttransportabilitytransport servicecombined transportsea transportationair transportationtransport mechanismMinistry of Transporttransportation costtransportation companymultimodal transporttransportation networkcost of transportationtransportation system
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